Dog Photo Fun: Football-Theming of Your Pup Pics

Dog Photo Fun: Football-Theming of Your Pup Pics

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Our upcoming photo contest on Super Dog Sunday™ is football-themed, of course. Last year some of you shared that taking photos of your dogs in NFL football-themed costumes or scenes was challenging. This year our plan is to make it super simple, with more options and lots of help. 

Not only will we provide more ideas, help and tips, but we also have a Twitter Party planned to make sure it's loads of fun to soak up the details. We'll be bringing in a Pet Photographer from Life + Dog Magazine to offer photo tips for those brave souls who want to play dress up with their Fido.

Some of you may say "Twitter Parties move so fast. How will I be able to get the tips?" I've got you covered!

I'll recap the tips, ideas and help in a post here at All Things Dog Blog a day or two after the Twitter Party to make sure you're able to get all the ideas in easy access. Sound good?

Just like our other Twitter Parties, there will be bunches of fun prizes for Fido, and even some for you, the dog lover. If you'll be eager to win, be sure to read all the details below. In order to win prizes at the Twitter Party, you'll need to sign up on the RSVP list at the bottom of the post. Be sure to follow the instructions for easy RSVP. Here's all the details:

Hosts and Sponsors--All Things Dog Blog and Dogtipper
Prize Providers: 
Watch and see; we have a great lineup coming!
#SuperDogPics Twitter Party will be held to offer photo tips for participants of Super Dog Sunday™, a Charity Blog Hop and Photo contest, to be held on Sunday, February 5, 2012.
Join us on Twitter for the #SuperDogPics Twitter Party. 
Sunday, January 22, 2012, 3:00-4:30 PM EST
How to Participate:
Use the #SuperDogPics hashtag in every Tweet so others can follow the conversation. Hit your refresh button frequently to keep up with the flow of tweets, watching your hosts tweets for important details.
Learn how to theme your photos with simple methods and easy photo tips, and win great prizes for your dog.
All posts related to these events will be listed in my sidebar for your reference. There are already some helpful posts for those new to Twitter or Twitter Parties.  If you have questions that are not answered in these posts, feel free to send them to [email protected]

When you're all done reading, you may enjoy going back to last year's wrap up post to see the slideshow of cute pics. And now, let's kick off Super Dog Sunday™ with the opening of the RSVP list for the Twitter Party:

Easy RSVP Instructions: If you don't already have a Twitter account, you'll need to start there. Sign up at When you return here, follow these instructions for adding your name to our guest list by using the linky list below the instructions. 
  1. Scroll to the bottom of these instructions and find the blue lettering that says "Click here to enter". 
  2. Click the blue link and a new screen will open. 
  3. Type your Twitter handle in the first box that says "Link Title or Blog Title". It will look like this: @MyTwitterHandle. Be sure to include the @ sign connected to your handle. This is a link to your page on twitter. Mine is @AllThingsDog.
  4. Type your Twitter url in the next box that is labeled "Link". It will start with "" and you include your handle after the slash, without the @symbol. Mine looks like this:
  5. Scroll down to hit "Enter your link" and you're done. 
  6. You'll have the opportunity to enter your name and email address. This is not required, but is a good idea in case your RSVP does not get entered properly. We'll need to get in touch to fix it.

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