Twitter Parties 101: How Do I Watch All the Tweets?
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko Where is the Refresh Button? |
Wham! We're right out of the gate with our announcement of #BarkFriday, our pre-holiday savings Twitter Party, and suddenly Kolchack Puggle
brings up the mother of all Twitter Party questions. Brilliant, I say. Just brilliant!
"How do you keep up with the furious speed of the feed?"
I left a quick comment back to Jodi and then decided this was a question that warrants a post. So here ya go:
Twitter Parties can move unbelievably fast. Most computer screens only allow for a view of a dozen or so tweets at a time, leaving a refresh of 18+ tweets to land outside the boundary of your view. Here are some tips that I use to keep things moving smoothly.
The Refresh Button is Your Best Friend
As I've mentioned before in my Twitter Party tutorials, you'll need to hit the refresh button very frequently in order to watch for your target Tweeters. Read on to figure out who this may be.
Set a Goal for Each Twitter Party
Have you joined a Twitter Party to win prizes, learn something new or just make new twitter friends with a common interest? Your answers will determine whom you should watch during your refreshes.
Whose Feed to Watch
For instance, if you're hoping to grab discount codes, product details, new website URLs or other online info, you'll want to determine whose feed to watch in order to find that particular information. Although the sponsors may be present at the party and participating in the conversation, these sponsor details will often be repeated by your hosts multiple times.
Finding their Feed
Each time you hit the refresh button, scan the tweets for those coming from your target Tweeters. Keep in mind that you may need to scroll down below the bottom of your screen to view the entire refreshed page. You have to be fast, because by the time you've done this you'll want to refresh again. Keep it up and you'll soon find the party is over! It is very addictive.
To Win Prizes, Watch the Entry Methods Carefully
If, however, you've come to win prizes, your hosts are likely the ones to watch. Prizes may be awarded by a multitude of different methods. Each party will vary, so be sure to read the host's instructions carefully and proceed accordingly. Check over all the rules listed in the introductory post for the party, scanning for any tips or specifics that may affect you.
In our Event Barkers Twitter parties, you'll want to watch the hosts for prize announcements. Most Twitter parties require you to be in attendance to win. That means you'll need to respond to the announcement of your handle with a tweet: "Yes @ AllThingsDog. I'm here and would luv 2 claim my prize".
Claiming Your Prize
At this point, your host will likely DM you asking for your address for shipping. Depending on the shipping method, a phone number may be required as well. All this is done by private DM, so be sure to check your DMs after the party if you won a prize. Respond quickly to your host's request for address and phone number (many shippers require a phone number) in order to get your prize more expeditiously. Aren't we having fun?!!!
Just Want to Meet New Tweeps?
Some Twitter party attendees simply show up unannounced to meet new friends. That's fine. We don't have a bouncer to toss you for crashing the party! However, Event Barkers only gives out prizes to attendees who have RSVP'd before the start of the party, and who are following the hosts. We do welcome anyone who wishes to join the fun though. Jump into the conversation and have at it. In this instance, you may want to "work the party", talking to various participants and finding out a little more about each guest. We simply ask that you maintain decorum with the proper hashtag in each tweet.
Guest Experts
If you have joined a party with the express purpose of learning what the guest expert has to share, I suggest you follow this person closely in your refreshes. Watch to see if one of the hosts is assisting or moderating the guest expert to keep the party moving smoothly. Often this host will be handling parts of the expert's discussion and may have helpful information as well. Keep your eyes out for both of their handles as you continue to refresh throughout the party.
Thanks to Jodi for an excellent question. If you have one, feel free to leave it below as a comment or drop us a note at [email protected]. Paris of Dogtipper and I will be sharing the joy of checking your emails throughout the coming weeks. Feel free to ask away. We look forward to seeing you at #BarkFriday, where you can win tons of dog prizes and get great money-saving tips for your pets' holiday shopping. We hope to see you on Friday, November 25th. Happy #BarkFriday!
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