Treat Your Dog with the Tricky Treater: A Giveaway!

Treat Your Dog with the Tricky Treater: A Giveaway!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

I trust you're here today because you read our review of this fun, treat-dispensing toy by Petlinks--the Tricky Treater! Tanner and Oliver have been enjoying a few mealtime expeditions around the house, making chow more of a mental game that the boys have to work for. That's always a good thing--stimulating your dog's mind. I also love that it helps them to eat a bit more slowly, especially for Tanner. He can inhale a bowl full of kibble in seconds, a habit that we should all work to diminish in our chow hounds.

Now that we've got you wanting one of these toys, we're going to run a giveaway. Three lucky pups will score a free Tricky Treater! If you prefer the sure-thing method to getting your Tricker Treater, please stop in at Amazon or check out the list of other retailers that carry the Petlinks line, found in my review post.

To enter the giveaway, you need only scroll to the bottom of this post and enter by using those methods you prefer. Feel free to pick and choose. We're just happy to have you join in. If the Rafflecopter entry form is hiding, you can retrieve it by clicking on the post title above. That technique is like Come When Called for a dog; works every time!

Entries will continue through Thursday, June 5 with winners announced here and in a new post on Friday, June 6. Be sure to mark your calendar and return to see if you got lucky. 

One great way to assure that you don't forget to check up on the winners is to subscribe to All Things Dog Blog. This way you'll get our announcement in your email. That's a great way to get good news! Click this link to set up your FREE subscription, if you're not already subscribed. One final, very important tip: don't forget to check your email account and click the verification email link to confirm your subscription. Until you do this, you won't receive any of our posts in your inbox. 

Best wishes to all our entrants!

Happy treating,

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Petlinks asked us to review the Tricky Treater dispensing toy and has provided us with this review product. We have not been compensated, and the opinions included here and in our review are completely our own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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