Super Dog Sunday™: Open for Pet Pics

Super Dog Sunday™: Open for Pet Pics

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
I had such fun selecting this Papillon "cousin" of Oliver's and making the entry for the Super Dog Sunday™ photo contest. Of course, I'm not eligible to win, but it's still fun to participate, and to help get these shelter pets a shout out. Would you help?  Calleigh and all her friends would be so grateful :)

This photo contest that you see unfolding below will continue to grow until kickoff time on February 2 at about 6:30 PM ET. Eight lucky winners will run away with terrific packages of great stuff like Nature's Logic dog food, football toys, rescue coloring books and more. 

It's all to celebrate shelter pets and our fundraising all goes to Petfinder Foundation. If you can help us out with a small donation, your money will be put to very good use. If not, thank you for visiting and feel free to leave a comment and cheer on the participants.

Entry tips and photo help are available at these links and you'll find more about our Platinum Sponsor, Nature's Logic, here. And let's not forget the rules and the prizes!

Event Barkers has also donated to the cause and is busy running the behind-the-scenes stuff. We're like Santa's elves; you don't see us but you know we're working somewhere to make this all happen! We'll be excited to hear the judges' decisions and give away our prizes in Monday, February 3. Here's a peek at some of the goodies in each prize:

Now let's get to the fun part: Be sure to click on each picture so you can see the whole image; the thumbnails often crop out important parts of the photos. It's great fun to play peekaboo. You can let our participants know if you like their creation by clicking the "Like" thumb under the photo. Thanks for your input and good luck in the judging if you have joined us with an entry. If not, why not get started right now?!!!

One last and very important bit of info. You'll see some adoptable pets below that are available at Petfinder shelters. If you'd like to give them a closer look or share their profile via social media, here's how: Their Petfinder profile number is located under the photo when you click on it, and also in the caption seen in the Blog Hop thumbnail view. To visit the pet's profile, simply enter the following url into your browser, adding the 8-digit profile number to the end of the url where indicated: That's all there is too it. Now, give me a little help getting Calleigh some extra views:

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Super Dog Sunday™ is a charity event. All proceeds go directly--and in full--to Petfinder Foundation. As co-sponsors as well as hosts, DogTipper and All Things Dog Blog are participating in donations as well as donating our time and effort to produce this event. Enjoy!

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