Blog the Change for Petfinder

Blog the Change for Petfinder

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Blog the ChangeBlog the Change Day is here and All Things Dog Blog is on the case. We're all wrapped up in a charity fundraiser to help Petfinder Foundation with their work to assist shelters and aid in adoptions. You can make an executive decision right now to be part of the solution by clicking the link to make a donation--small or large--to Petfinder Foundation. Your money will help homeless pets find forever families. What could be more rewarding?

Our event, co-sponsored with by our social media events partnership, is called Super Dog Sunday™. That name rolls right off your tongue, doesn't it?! Super Dog Sunday™ is a football-themed photo contest that allows entries of pets as well as themed Petfinder adoptable photos. These can be themed using photo editing techniques, hand artwork or any other methods. We're just happy to have them promoted with their name and a profile page url. We hope to be as lucky as last year and get a few of our promoted Petfinder pets adopted as a result of our efforts.

This photo contest's funds go 100% to Petfinder Foundation. We have a nice lineup of sponsors that have supported Petfinder with cash donations, as well as providing prizes for our photo contest winners. As one of the sponsors, Event Barkers is donating prizes and all our labor to make this event happen. You'll find a list of all the sponsors' social media details below; please check them out and visit them to say thank you. I know they will appreciate your comments.

To help us with Super Dog Sunday™ this year, Event Barkers has also formed a Cheer Team of social media enthusiasts to help promote the event. We're so proud to have a team of dedicated bloggers and Twitterers that are willing to share our passion and pass it on to all of you. Thank you to all of you who volunteered as Cheer Team members. You're a terrific support system for our efforts at Event Barkers, and can count yourself as part of the solution! Thanks for helping Event Barkers Be the Change!

Event Barkers' Super Dog Sunday™ Sponsors:
With additional prize assistance from:
  • Life+Dog magazine website, Facebook, Twitter
  • Gypsy Eyes Clothing website, Facebook
  • Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know book-website, Facebook, Twitter

Super Dog Sunday™ is 100% charitable. To learn more about how to enter and get tips for your photos, join us at the #SuperDogPics Twitter Party.

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- Cheer Team Invitations: Can You Help Us Help Petfinder?
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