Petfinder Foundation to Benefit from Super Dog Sunday™ Fundraiser

Petfinder Foundation to Benefit from Super Dog Sunday™ Fundraiser

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Join us for a
Football-Themed Photo Contest

Oh My Dog! We are so excited to have the 2012 Super Dog Sunday™ photo contest and blog hop finally within reach. Especially now that we're turning it into something more than just a photo show. This year's event will be a Charity fundraiser for Petfinder Foundation with sponsors kicking in a nice donation, while participants show off their dogs in football-themed photos. Dogtipper has jumped on board to help out and we'll be bringing you loads of fun and great ways to win prizes.

Who is the Petfinder Foundation? The Petfinder Foundation helps to assure that no pet is euthanized for lack of a home. They provide:
All donations to Petfinder Foundation are tax deductible. You can donate by mail to: Petfinder Foundation
4729 E. Sunrise Drive #119
Tucson, AZ 85718

Petfinder's donation process allows you to set up a regular donation with a simple click of the mouse. You can arrange for automatic donations that are monthly, bi-monthly, bi-annual and more. Check your options at the top right "Your Selections" at this link.

If you've never visited, the Foundation's sister site, you're in for quite a surprise. Adoption was never so easy! You can choose location, breed, type of animal, size, color, sex, age, special needs, and much more. Their system of search even allows you to give input on other pets and children in your home, how far you are willing to travel to visit an adoptable pet, and how to find local rescues. is one amazing search system for locating your new best friend. Each adoptable pet is added with his own information page including photos, health, age, history, location, and social information. This is the way adoption was intended to happen and we are thrilled to be able to provide this fundraiser for them.

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