Organix Grain-Free: Settling Into Our New Diet

Organix Grain-Free: Settling Into Our New Diet

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Plugs His Team and His Chow!

I would not have believed it if my own mother told me how well the dogs would do without grain in their diets. It made sense to me, of course. Yet all these years of food that contained grains had me wondering whether Tanner and Oliver's energy would lag or perhaps their focus may be lacking from the carbs replaced by additional veggies. I worried about their skin too, not knowing if this change may affect them. Itchy? No!

Nope. Not so. No way. No how. Not only are my boys energetic and enthusiastic, they were ready to get back to work on product reviews as soon as I got the camera out. I used some of their new kibble as treats the first day, wondering if they would be as eager to perform. That too surprised me. We're on our third bag (or is it 4?), so I suppose if we were going to see any behavior changes, they would have kicked in by now. I'm guessing what we have is a successful transition. Correction; I'm not guessing. It's clear that Tanner and Oliver are thriving on Organix Grain-Free.

How are my Grain-free trial partners doing with their transition? A group of you won free bags in early January and were promised another if you shared your feedback. Now is your chance. Tell me how your fido is doing. Anything different? New behaviors? Changes, either better or worse? 

I'm curious to know if any of you have noticed a calmer dog that sleeps more soundly at night? This is the one observation I have made that I find quite fascinating, and of course extremely positive. Time to spill, folks. The comment link is open.

Each of you who won a free bag will receive another free bag if your feedback is left in my comments either here or at the previous Grain-free posts. Those of you who did not win in the last giveaway will have your opportunity if anyone misses their chance. And of course, there's always next time. I'll give 12 bags away, with first priority going to those on the Grain Free Trial. Entries will remain open through midnight on Thursday, January 26. Let me hear from you:

Full disclosure:  Product given away in this review series has been provided for promotional courtesy by Castor and Pollux Pet. I was not paid to write this review series, and my review comments are my own experiences.Yours may differ. No purchase was or is required to participate.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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