Orbee-Tuff™ Balls Go to Fun Loving Winners

Orbee-Tuff™ Balls Go to Fun Loving Winners

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© S.V.B, reader copyright on File
 Thanks to Sophie for Her Enthusiasm 
 Another week. Another giveaway. I love my job! Today I get to play Santa Claus and give away 6 of the Orbee-Tuff Balls™. I've used Random.org to select the winning numbers from your comments at the Review Post, and each winner will be getting a different color combination from their selection of blue/green, glow/orange, pink/blue, glass/lake, red/teal and silver/pink.

The winners of the colorful Orbee-Tuff Balls™ are Cynthia (crzycoookies), Rebecca H., K-Koira, Em, SvBerges, and Ashley J. Congratulations! The folks at Planet Dog will be shipping your balls right to your door. I just need to collect all addresses in order to do my part. Please send your address to me at AllThingsDogBlog.com. When I've received all 6, they'll go to Planet Dog for shipment.

Before I close, I must share 2 more adorable photos that came in for this contest: 
© Jones 
We Love You too, Lola

© S Gilbert
Thanks to Skipper and Schooner!

Oliver is probably wondering what the tiny Orbee-Tuff ball is like, but he has had much fun playing with his Glow Ball. He gets especially excited when I fill it with treats. Yee ha!

Full disclosure: The Planet Dog organization provided us with their balls to test. We were not paid to provide this review and the opinions herein are our own.

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