My Golden Retriever is a Shepherd

My Golden Retriever is a Shepherd

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Bonded from the Beginning

Who knew? Recently I shared with readers how Tanner watched over Oliver when the little squirt escaped and went on walkabout. Tanner watched over him, knowing all along exactly where he was. Today it was Patches' turn. I swear my Golden Retriever thinks he's a shepherd--not a German Shepherd, but a caretaker that watches over the fur kids. Is this dog bonded to his family members? I'd say so!
Safe and Sound at Home

Today we had an incident with my kitty, Patches. She's an indoor cat, so never goes out the front door. We have a large screened porch where she gets her outdoor time; she hunts lizards or watches birds. She's safe there and so are the birds.

While carpenters were working in our home today, and on that porch yesterday, Tanner did what he frequently does when the door is unlocked; he opened it. Patches came along and wandered onto the front porch, lingering to watch the commotion outside. Tanner stopped and dropped to a DOWN, keeping tabs on her for quite a while. It was amazing to watch. Obviously Tanner sees himself as the pet sitter for his two smaller housemates. Does anyone else out there have similar behavior with their dogs? I'm just amazed at his intuitive ability to keep watch. He seems to know they need supervision. #blowmeaway
Weekly Wag Button
Tell me about your pets' and their interest in or ability to watch out for one another. Is this a dynamic--constantly changing--or does it develop and strengthen over time, never going away? Help me research this topic--spill!

Happy tails,

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Join us each week for the Weekly Wag bonding series, held during the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. The hop is hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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