Creative Pet Problem Solving During Construction

Creative Pet Problem Solving During Construction

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Domino Repairs Mean Creative Playtime

Home renovation is not a pretty thought for me these days. After a flying rock broke our glass front door, the replacement of that door turned into a domino effect of repair jobs and replacements that would frighten you if I listed the jobs and the total cost. Let's just say that we did our part to help the local economy :)

From the dogs' point of view, life has been rather disrupted by the coming and going of strangers at different hours throughout the day, as well as the ripping up of our yard. Now that the sprinkler system is in (don't even ask how that figured into the broken door; you would not believe it) we have trails of dirt where no sod shall grow, given the growth season has just ceased till March. Sigh.

When men are working in your home, you can expect your dogs to take advantage of the doors left open, enjoying the muddy yard, the concrete being used to grout the new front porch, and worse yet, the dangerous tools lying everywhere. While my dogs never greet a stranger with distaste, they do enjoy exploring sharp tools, freshly poured cement and dirt that is not filled in with grass. Double sigh!
One Truck After Another

Our routine has had to change for the duration of this work, which likely will last a full 3 months, followed by the fun project of re-landscaping afterwards. I just know Tanner will be excited to help dig holes for the plants we select. But I digress. I started all this to lead into some of the ways we have bonded through building a new routine to adapt to all the dangers and disruptions in the dog's recent days.

Weekly Wag ButtonTell me about your home repair adventures at our initial Weekly Wag post, and you'll be entered to win the grand prize drawing on December 31. Join us each Saturday for another version of the Weekly Wag, where I share tips and strategies for bonding with your dog through your daily activities and sometimes with special events. 

Finally, I'd like to hear your thoughts on continuing this series into 2013. Have you enjoyed reading about ways to bond with your dog in your daily lives? Leave a comment and let me know if you'd like to keep this series rolling.

This post is part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop hosted by Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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