Foster a Rescue Dog: Earn Your Angel Wings

Foster a Rescue Dog: Earn Your Angel Wings

by Carrie Boyko
(c) Carrie Boyko
Our Foster Dog, Jack
Ready to Walk Tanner

If you can't adopt a dog, consider assisting a local rescue by fostering a dog. Fostering is often temporary, and will give you a chance to try out adoption, a variety of breeds, sizes and other possibilities for your family. Fostering is a great way to determine if your family is capable of caring for an additional family member.

(c) Carrie Boyko
Our Foster Molly Boo
Many rescues offer some training for foster families, to assist in acclimating your new companion to your family. This assistance can make a huge difference for families who have never owned a dog.

My experiences with fostering have been brief and pleasant. Jack and Molly Boo were brought home by my daughter, extra "stock" from the local rescue group she volunteered for throughout middle and high school. This exposure to animals and dog care, in addition to our own 3 dogs, has led her to seek a career involving animals.

While our home and yard are not ideal for additional pets, as we had 5 at the time, we were able to care for Jack and Molly Boo, among others, briefly. This was quite acceptable to Tanner, my social butterfly who was always thrilled to welcome another playmate to his pack. Sometimes I think he should teach socialization classes for young dogs. Hey! Maybe there's a new idea in that. What do you think?

This week is Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable Pet Week. Think about it. Give those mixed breeds, senior dogs and scruffy fellas a second look. You may find your perfect companion.

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