Blood on the Ice : Seal Hunting

Blood on the Ice : Seal Hunting

Man used to hunt and kill for food, for survival... like an animal, nothing more... but, somewhere down the road, as we 'progressed', things changed. We abuse our power, and kill, murder, plunder... excessively, for money, greed, vanity. We no longer care or give a damn about life. We do not hesitate even for a split second when we rob another being's right to live. We have lost our basic sense of decency and reason. We are the worse form of life on this planet.

Every year, THOUSANDS of sealers or seal hunters go on a killing spree, wiping out entire colonies of seals, adult, young, babies... blatantly ignoring authorities' ban and animal lovers' protests... while their governments just sit and watch.... as these poor creatures are being 'harvested' like crops...

There is blood on the ice. Clubbed to near death, suffering and in pain, fully conscious and aware of their impending fate... they wait for their turn, to be cut open, to be skinned alive, to die. With tears of blood, they watch as their kind are being 'finished off', one by one.

The line is drawn. The difference is clear. There is no grey area. Which side are you on? Will you just turn away, and let these murder go on, year after year, after year? Or will you take a stand, and do what you can? Every second we spent waiting, thinking, wondering, is another seal dying....

Now... What will you do?

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