Keep Pet Supplies in Purrfect Order

Keep Pet Supplies in Purrfect Order

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Typical Catitude to Anything New
Vapor Vault's name did it for me. What a perfect name that is for this accessory to the Purrfect Order, a litter accessory organizer made by The Petlinks System.  It was immediately clear what the product was intended to do, given that I was already aware it had something to do with cat litterboxes.

This handy organizer allows you to pull all your kitty's litterbox necessities together in one spot. Whether you keep baking soda on hand, bags, small whisk broom, sticky roller, or other supplies, you'll find it will all fit nicely in this cleverly arranged setup that all clicks together for ease of use.

As you clean kitty's box or as Meow creates little litter messes outside her box while she endeavors to do her cover up job, all the swept up and scooped up solids can be easily stored in the Vapor Vault until the bag is full and disposed of. This is the perfect way to assure that Meow's scent does not call out to guests or to your dogs.

Bonding Time at Last
Further, a clean litterbox is the best way to make sure your kitty continues to use it respectfully. Cats are finicky about their boxes, and as so can be fussy about smell, mess or misplaced litter or soil. Keeping her area neat, clean and orderly will help to assure she is successful in hitting her target.

You can find products in the Petlinks System, including the Purrfect Order, at these retailers:,,,, and

Would you like to get your kitty's belongings into Purrfect Order? I'm giving away 2 of these terrific organizers, and the #LitterChat Twitter Party will be giving away 2 more on behalf of @SwheatScoop natural litter. Here's 2 ways you can win via #LitterChat:

You can enter to win my giveaways using the Rafflecopter below. If its being a little catty today, just click on the post title and it will give up its snippiness and be nice. Entries will be accepted through midnight July 11th. Winners will be announced on July 12th. Good luck!

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This product was reviewed and given away by me on request of the maker. I was not paid to review it and the comments above are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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