Fido Families Stop the Treasure Hunt

Fido Families Stop the Treasure Hunt

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Tanner and Oliver Give Patches Privacy
This is still a work in progress, but we have made great strides in allowing Patches to have her own kingdom, a place where her food and her litter are hers--not the dogs!

Today I would love to share a few tips on the primary tactics we've used. If you'd like to learn more, you can join us at #LitterChat on July 16 to get lots of tips on training your dog to stay out of the kitty's salad bar--aka her litterbox. Watch for these dog training tips with @AllThingsDog.

There are 3 basic strategies I use for giving Patches a peaceable kingdom. Cleaning her box frequently eliminates the scents that call out to the dogs. That's key strategy number one.  Since Swheat Scoop clumps so quickly, I'm able to remove moisture more quickly, making the litter last longer and remain odor-free. Solids dry out and are easily removed, just as you would with any litter. 

Swheat Scoop is definitely less aromatic than its clay cousin. Without the dust that is part and parcel to using clay litter, I think we're offering a healthier choice to our Meow as well as our families. And attentive owners can vouch for this scent issue. 

Here's my number 2 tip: When you hear the familiar scratching that is your Meow covering her tracks, that's your cue. Grab the scoop and be ready; it will clump quickly and you can remove it promptly, helping to keep your salad bar surfers (did I say dog?) off the track. Less smell=fewer treasure hunts!

Tip number 3 is to work with your dog to train him. He should gain a degree of respect for your kitty and her things. Join me at #LitterChat for a double dose of tips on getting your pup to give way to the cat and her private area. 

Not only will you have a chance to learn some helpful info for your dogs, your cat could score some major prizes. We've got almost a $1000 in litter, fancy litterboxes, litterbox accessories, cat toys and treats to hand off. Hope to see you there. Here's some pertinent links to get you ready:

RSVP to join the fun on 7/16
PreTweet to win a great prize
Enter our Rafflecopter drawing for an awesome prize package

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