Help Castor & Pollux Fight Canine and Children's Cancer Research

Help Castor & Pollux Fight Canine and Children's Cancer Research

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Castor and Pollux

Earlier this year at Global Pet Expo I met a new flat pet. His name was Bentley. For those of you that don't know what a Flat Pet is, use your imagination. It's a cutout cardboard image of a pet that uses a stand to participate in photos when his real self cannot be present. Below is flat Tiki, my friend Paris's dog. 

While I did not get to meet the real Bentley, you can! Keep reading to learn how. I suppose I should create a flat Oliver and flat Tanner, but right now I want to share with you some of Bentley's story. You see, Bentley is in a very special Great Dane. He's in the running at the Guinness Book of World Records for the Tallest Dog as well as the Tallest Service Dog. In a partnership with Castor and Pollux and PetSmart, Bentley is touring the U.S. to help raise awareness of fund raising efforts for children's cancer as well as canine cancer research.
Flat Tiki
 on Her Way to Barkworld

Bentley's family member, Chase, is a young boy who has survived cancer. Many service dogs have visited Chase during his treatments and recovery, and Bentley is now a certified service dog as well. Their story inspired Castor and Pollux to get involved in this effort and tour the U.S. to get the word out. 

Bentley has already visited PetSmart stores in Phoenix, Omaha, Pittsburgh, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Diego. Visitors who joined Bentley for these events and bought a Castor and Pollux product helped Castor and Pollux donate money to CureSearch for Children's Cancer and the National Canine Cancer Foundation. Castor and Pollux has committed a minimum donation of $25,000 to each of these foundations by the end of 2012. That's a huge WOW that I'm proud to be a small part of through my association with Castor and Pollux.

You can meet Bentley at one of his upcoming tour stops to learn more about canine cancer research and how you can help. Upcoming stops include:

To learn more about Bentley, Chase, canine cancer and these efforts, please visit Heel Cancer to read more. We encourage you to help in any way you can.

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