Free Puppy Pads for House-Training: Giveaway Winners Announcement

Free Puppy Pads for House-Training: Giveaway Winners Announcement

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© courtesy drinkerthinker via
Puppy Training will Go Smoothly
with Michael's Help

Thanks to our Ask the Dog Trainer columnist, Michael Baugh, for his great tips on using puppy pads for training. I was pleased to make two packages of these products available to my readers of this post. A third prize will provide another winner with $20 in discounts for their purchases. Saving money never goes out of style.

Thank you also to my readers who gave shout outs to Michael and his training articles. We appreciate your support. He'll be back soon with a new article on working with a whining dog. Don't miss this if you're pooch is a bit on the fussy side.

Without further ado, the winners of this giveaway are:
Congratulations to you all. Look for my email from [email protected] and reply promptly for quickest response to ship your prizes. Happy tails!

Houston Dog Trainer Michael Baugh CPDT-KA, CDBC is the director of training and behavior at Rover Oaks Pet Resorts. You may readch Michael at the link for a personal consultation, or write to him at our Ask the Dog Trainer Column @ [email protected]. Michael's advice does not replace an actual consultation with a qualified trainer.

Full disclaimer: Each of the two packages of puppy pads holds a minimum of 10 pads. I have not been compensated to give these products or coupons away. There is no purchase necessary to win. Good luck!

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