Ask the Dog Trainer Column Adds a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

Ask the Dog Trainer Column Adds a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Brett Chisholm Photography
Michael with Stella
Many of you received a sneak peek at our new Ask the Dog Trainer columnist when he wrote a post here recently entitled Dog Training vs. Leadership: A Fine Line? Comments both here and on our Facebook page made it quite clear that Michael's philosophy is a winning one with you. Sold, to the lady with a Golden Retriever on her shoulders!

Houston's own dog trainer, Michael Baugh, will be answering his first reader letter soon. We are extremely pleased that he has agreed to join us, given his excellent background as a professional trainer and behavior consultant since 1999. After first founding North Coast Dogs, Michael now is located in the Houston area as the director of training and behavior at Rover Oaks Pet Resorts. 

Michael has written for numerous publications online and is a contributing author to the book, The Dog Trainer's Resource. He has been honored for his work by the National Dog Writers Association.

While Michael has traditional degrees and training in counseling and communications from John Carroll University and Loyola University in New Orleans, his focus has turned to the dog training world. As a member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, Michael has continued his journey as a certified professional dog trainer, a certified dog behavior consultant, and is an honors graduate of the San Francisco SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers. That's a mouthful, huh? It all adds up to one extremely well-educated dog trainer.

All that training means you get extra helpful information on your tougher questions. Michael's specialty is in counseling people who have dogs with serious behavior problems. Although we can't cure your troubles with an Internet column, we can certainly give you  guidance on how to get the help you need, and how to handle Fido in the meantime.

So, let us know how we can be of assistance to you. Do you have an unruly dog, one with separation anxiety, fearfulness, hyperactivity, or aggression? Whatever your problem, we'll offer some tips for moving in the right direction. Meanwhile, join us Tuesday for Michael's first official post as an All Things Dog Blog Ask the Dog Trainer columnist. 

Michael joins Terry in heading up this effort to bring you the help you need; I have full confidence that they are up to the task. Bring it on!

Send your Ask the Dog Trainer questions to [email protected]. If you like, you may include a photo of your dog with your submission. In doing so, you give permission for us to use this photo on All Things Dog Blog. Answers will be returned via email, when possible, and will be posted to All Things Dog Blog as a part of this popular, ongoing column. How can we help you?

We're proud to introduce Michael to our Saturday Pet Blogger Hop friends. Feel free to leave a comment welcoming Michael, and then jump into the hop. Our hosts are Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. Have fun!

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