Fido and Fireworks: Helping Him Hold it Together

Fido and Fireworks: Helping Him Hold it Together

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Am I Celebrating Noise or Bright Lights?

Tonight's the night--fireworks factory finale. After this the fireworks makers get nearly a six month break until distribution for New Years kicks in. What a great business, huh? Not so much for our Fidos though. Many dogs are frightened by lightening, thunder and fireworks. Our Xena was definitely on this list. She had a particularly odd habit of needing to climb on top of tables and desks. The higher she could get the better. We soon learned that escorting her to her crate ("Go Nite Nite, Xena") EARLY was the best strategy. 

I've learned a few things since those first years and yes, I'd like to share them with you. Tanner and Oliver are another story entirely, so here's the benefit of my successes, just for you:

If only I could take Tanner around to visit all the anxious dogs, allowing them to soak up his "what's the big deal" attitude. I have a theory. He was born in Florida during the peak of Thunderstorm season. I'm guessing he learned early on that thunder is just noise--not unlike that which he hears any other day of the year, but perhaps a bit louder and less predictable. Thankfully, he's clueless and it's business as usual for Tanner on nights like tonight. 

The even better news is that Oliver, having absorbed a small amount of nervous anxiety from Xena, is now learning some better ways to calm himself. Between the techniques above and 'clueless Tanner' for a housemate, Oliver is getting a grip. And that's a very good thing.

Happy Independence Day. Hopefully your pup will be able to be independent of you tonight as you enjoy some celebrations of your own.

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