Dog Walks: Warm Weather Returns

Dog Walks: Warm Weather Returns

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© All Things Dog Blog
Warm Belly on a Cool Floor
Even in the dead of Florida Winters we're still warm after a long walk. Having removed my jacket, it often is tied around my waist and the dogs are ready for water as soon as we head inside.

Now is the time to start planning for the warmer weather ahead, to assure you don't overheat or dehydrate your dog. A few tips will easily deal with even the hottest of Summer days:

What strategies do you use to assure that your dog does not get overheated on a long walk in the summer? I'd love to share your ideas.

- Summer Dog Walks: Keeping Your Dog Cool
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko Wet Dogs Stay Cooler on the WalkKeeping Fido cool during your Summer dog walks may seem an impossibility if you have a particularly thick-coated dog. I have a few tricks up my sleeve I'd like to share, so you...

- How To Keep Pets Cool Without Air Conditioning
By Linda Cole Air conditioning is a blessing and a curse during the dog days of summer. It seems like they break down on the hottest days. And not every pet is lucky enough to live in an air conditioned home. As responsible pet owners, we need to be...

- Heat Exhaustion In Dogs
When human beings are exposed to heat for a long time, they suffer from heat exhaustion. In the same way, this problem of heat exhaustion can also occur in dogs. However, the only difference here is that canines cannot express their discomfort through...

- The Summer Heat - Summer Dangers For Dogs
During the dog days of summer you can have a lot of fun with your pet, but under that hot sun they can be in a lot of danger. Dogs can suffer some of the same maladies that humans can except they can experience them faster than we can, what with all...

- How To Protect Your Pet From Summer Heat
So, the summer is here. It's breezy outdoors and you feel like taking your pet outside and playing with it. But wait a minute! Can your dog take the excess summer heat? If it plays or sits in the sun, can it led to a heatstroke? Well, the answer...

