Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

When human beings are exposed to heat for a long time, they suffer from heat exhaustion. In the same way, this problem of heat exhaustion can also occur in dogs. However, the only difference here is that canines cannot express their discomfort through words as humans can. Hence, it is important for people who have dogs as pets to know about heat exhaustion in canines so that they can take immediate action when they observe its signs and symptoms.


Heat exhaustion usually occurs when the canine is kept outdoors for a long period of time, during summer. Moreover, active dogs like to run and play around even when the temperature is extremely dry and will not stop until they are too exhausted. Dogs that are locked inside a car are also at a high risk of developing heat exhaustion as the inner temperature of a car can go beyond 130 degrees F, even with the windows rolled down. This can occur, not only on a warm day, but also on a day when the weather is mild. Whether a dog will experience heat exhaustion, also depends on which breed the dog belongs to. For example, canines who are obese and the breeds that are short nosed like Bulldogs, pugs, etc. have a high risk of developing this health problem. If heat exhaustion is not given immediate treatment, it may turn into heat stroke which can be life-threatening for your canine.


When you take your pet dog outdoors during summers, do not forget to observe his behavior to know whether he is showing any symptoms of heat exhaustion. The first symptom is heavy panting. As dogs do not have sweat glands like humans, when they feel too hot, they start panting to release the heat from their body. However, when a dog suffers from heat exhaustion, the panting will be vigorous or heavier than it is after it indulges in certain activities. Other signs include - Treatment

If you observe these symptoms in your canine, the first thing you have to do is to check his body temperature. The normal temperature of a dog is usually somewhere around 101 to 103 degrees. However, if it is affected by heat exhaustion, its body temperature can shoot up beyond 104 degrees. If this is the condition, the dog should be given immediate medical attention. However, before taking the canine to a vet, there are certain important steps that you have to take in order to bring back its temperature to normal. Tips for Prevention

Although treating this problem is possible, it can cause certain long term problems like damage to the internal organs which may prove fatal to the canine. As the consequences of heat exhaustion in dog are extremely dangerous, owners need to take certain important precautions to prevent their canine from getting affected by heat exhaustion.

One of the very important ways of keeping your canine far from the risk of getting heat exhaustion, is by keeping it hydrated. Make sure that cool water is available to your pet throughout the day. Also, see to it that your canine does not indulge in vigorous activities during summers. Another important thing that you should remember is to never leave the canine in a hot car, even if the windows are open. If your dog has thick or long hair, make it a point to cut it short during summers. However, do not shave it off fully because the dog's coat protects it from sun stroke.

Following these treatments and precautions is the best way to protect your dog from dangerous after effects of heat exhaustion.

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