Dog Prizes Flowing as #BarkFriday Cranks Up
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Scheduling out prizes for the upcoming #BarkFriday Twitter Party has been so much fun. We have 6 wonderful sponsors who have given generously to get the word out about their products. And that's what I'm about to do. I get the pleasure of doing an RSVP drawing today. Sound like a foreign language? Not to worry.
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Our Twitter Party has an RSVP sign up here. Everyone who has signed up as of right now gets a chance at this prize: A Flash Gordon Tag of their choice in the antique bronze finish and 2 bags of Dog Pack Snacks from an assortment sent to us by Deb and Coco, the Dog Pack Snacks team.
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The Flash Gordon Tags are made of heavy duty durable metal that are meant to last. This is not your typical $10 petstore tag! They have a variety of designs to select from and the 3 dimensional tags have such unique appeal. Go take a look. You'll enjoy shopping. I've shared 2 images here, but there are many more on the website.
© courtesy Turkey Chips are a Favorite of All Things Dog Blog |
I'll get Tanner and Oliver's advice on selecting flavors from the Dog Pack Snacks assortment for our winner. My boys do consider themselves the resident experts. Deb and Coco make the treats themselves and they are impressive, with that homemade look and apparent delicious taste. Tanner and Oliver have yet to turn one down. We'll be sharing assorted flavors throughout the #BarkFriday events, so keep watching. Today's winner is RSVP number 33: @cdmtx65. She's a lucky lady who will have a happy pup and a beautiful tag to identify her Fido. I'll be in touch with this winner for her shipping details.
Do you want to get in on these drawings? If so, hit the road and RSVP for the #BarkFriday Twitter Party. You won't regret it!
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