#BarkFriday Twitter Party Draws Money-Saving Crowd

#BarkFriday Twitter Party Draws Money-Saving Crowd

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
I sure hope you didn't miss it. We partied till the mall-shoppers came dragging home. And what fun we had in our pajamas! No sore feet and no crowds. Ahhhh!

Throughout the pre-party events and the prizes we gave out during the event, more than 60 items were handed off to new homes with willing Fidos and families happy to take over.

Working with Paris and Lizzi was such a joy. Both were delightfully cheerful despite our pressure to prepare around a major national holiday. Company may have impacted our efforts slightly, but we still enjoyed the journey. What's not fun about eating a leftover turkey sandwich while Tweeting away a Friday lunchtime?

And what can I say about our sponsors except that they have all been fabulous to work with. A few joined us, Tweeting their stories, sharing discounts, holiday ideas, RTing our expert's tips, and generally enjoying the camaraderie. Thank you to all of you: Dog Pack Snacks, DoggyLoot, Toki Poki, FIDO Friendly Magazine, Flash Gordon Designs, and Freaky Dog People. Our party guests obviously loved your prizes!

Thank you also to Elizabeth of 20Something Saver, who doled out money-saving ideas and tips endlessly for over an hour. She had so many tips that I had to help her Tweet them all. She's definitely got the inside track on playing the shopping game!

More than 20 winners got an assortment of 60 prizes ranging from Tshirts, dog tags, magazine subscriptions, dog treats, trading cards and even prizes of their choice. Our Grande Prize winner, @SharonGilbert6, took home the big haul: 4 bags of Dog Pack Snacks, a Flash Gordon tag of her choice, $25 in Doggyloot, a Freaky Dog People Tshirt and hat, one year's subscription to FIDO Friendly magazine, a Toki Poki Tshirt, sample trading pack and 50 cards with her own dog's image. Whew! Sharon, Schooner and Skipper will be partying it up this holiday with all this loot. Congratulations, and be sure to send photos!

Watch for news coming soon on our next Twitter Party, a theme that will have you running for your cameras. Happy tails!

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