Dog Jogging Fun for Fido

Dog Jogging Fun for Fido

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Enjoys a Run with Dad
Confession time. I'm not a runner. Tanner and I enjoy biking together, but running is not my forte. That's why this pic of Tanner running with his Daddy is extra special. It's good for Tanner and Dad too. I love to watch my boys run together--great male bonding, don't you think?

Tell us about your dog's favorite exercise at this time of year. I suppose many of you still find yourself bogged down in snow or cold weather. In Central Florida, early March is warm already, as you could guess my hubby's shorts. Today it was 78 degrees--perfect running weather. 

The comment link is open for business. Tell me how your dog got his exercise today. It will be fun for me to see that variety since we all have different weather issues in March. Join in the conversation!

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