Exercising Fido: Good for Both of You

Exercising Fido: Good for Both of You

© photo copyright Carrie Boyko
Tanner Loves to Catch the Frisbee

We've all read at least one article on losing weight that recommends getting a dog. The author invariably tells you that when you have the responsibility for walking a dog, you will get your exercise also. Good advice, as long as you take it. I just feel for the poor dog who was adopted and then left in the house all day every day to hardly see the light of day.

So, what are your options, if walking turns out to be the activity you just cannot get yourself to do? Try some of these:
There are a number of devices out there that are aids for biking with your dog. I just hold the leash and go, but some people find that their dogs pull a bit too much. You can check out the possibilities for some of these gadgets that attach to the frame of your bike, and with a stretchy attachment, won't pull you over.

Whatever you do to exercise your dog, remember who is in charge (YOU!) and make sure you are both having fun. Finally, keep in mind that you start the exercise, and YOU decide when to end it. No discussions on his with Fido! You're the boss.

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