Backpacks aren't Just for Students and Hikers...

Backpacks aren't Just for Students and Hikers...

Tanner Transports 4 Bottles
of Water in his Backpack

Every time I walk Tanner with his backpack on, I get an assortment of comments, stares, questions or laughs. Clearly, everyone does not watch the Dog Whisperer.

So, what exactly is the purpose of a backpack on a dog? The simple answer would be to carry something, but that answer does not even begin to address the underlying reason. That's what this post is all about.

If you own a large or active breed of dog, you already know how challenging it can be to drain his energy. Sometimes even a long walk does not do the trick. This is when you have to get more creative. Adding a job can help to wear out Fido more quickly, while keeping him focused on his task at hand--a mental job, as well.

Adding a mental challenge to your dog's job of walking with you, helps him to concentrate and work harder, both physically and mentally. The end result is a calmer, more relaxed dog at the end of the exercise session.

While there are plenty of other ways to drain excess energy, not the least of which are running, biking, swimming, obstacle courses, and fetch, walking with his leader/pet parent is the most bonding of these activities. Adding an additional job to the walk makes it that much more challenging and bonding for your dog, and you will both benefit.

Backpacks are widely available at most dog supply stores now, so shop around and find one you feel fits your dog well and seems relatively comfortable to him, even as he will appear confused by this new contraption. Be sure to ignore this and keep this "fitting" all business.

Now that Tanner is a seasoned backpacker, here are some tips I can share from what we have learned together:

Tanner Concentrates on His Walks
Better with a Backpack to Carry

Having any problems with this? I'll field questions if you'd like to write to me. You can reach me at [email protected]. Happy hiking!

If you're in search of a backpack for your dog, check out this and Amazon's other offerings for an assortment of various styles. Consider whether you might want to have Fido carry a picnic lunch or other delicate package when you select the style. Most have soft pouches, but some do feature shaped saddlebags for carrying more delicate items. Good luck!

Monday I'm still on dog exercise activities. Besides swimming, my favorite way to exercise the dogs in the summer is biking, and I'll be sharing my tips on this fun and fit activity--for both of you. Hope to see you then.

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