Join me at the DogTread Game Day Walk Event

Join me at the DogTread Game Day Walk Event

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© A. Boyko
Easy Boy...Take it Slow Today
Those of you that know me well will not be surprised to find me jumping into a "walk your dog" event. Jt Clough is sponsoring this Super Bowl Game Day event and blog hop at her site, and it's just my cup of tea. 

If you get involved in Jt's event, she's even offering a free book on 5K Training and Running with Dogs. Check out her 4 step plan and get your blog hop post up on her site before February 5. After you get into this hop, might as well try another one--a photo post. All Things Dog Blog is hosting the Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop. All you need is a football-themed photo post to link up and get tons of traffic. Need help? Here's my Help Page for this event. Better get hopping!

What about me?'s the thing. I'm recuperating from a little injury while on vacation. I'm still taking it a bit slow though, so as not to injure my already weakened leg. So here's my program.

© A. Boyko
Tanner, my big guy, is a 70-lb. Golden Retriever. He's a live wire, for sure, eager to meet and greet anyone and everyone we pass. I've found that using a backpack on him has been a useful technique during this time. While walking with a backpack on, a dog must concentrate more carefully on his job. If he gets too boisterous, or even walks with a sway, the backpack will also swing, causing a bit of annoyance for the pup. The backpack is exactly the approach I needed to 'give him a chill pill' while we walk during my rehab.

If you've never used a backpack with your high-energy dog, I'd love to share a few tips from my years of experience:

Thinking about picking up a backpack for your Fido? Here's a place to get started, with all sizes and styles:

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