Animal Exploitation

Animal Exploitation

A well put-together website,, with lots of useful and eye-opening stuff which I highly recommend.

In particular the Animal Exploitation Photo Journal & Gallery. Very detailed and gory pictures with captions on how various animals are tortured and killed for food, science, product testing, and pleasure. Believe me, it WILL open your eyes.

- Not Everyone Is Happy At The Circus!
Facts: 1.) TRAINED BY PAIN Circuses force animals to perform tricks that have nothing to do with how these magnificent creatures behave in the wild. They are taught to do tricks by fear and submission. They are injured while being beat and tortured...

- Violent Activism - Right Or Wrong?
Just came across this report, which got me thinking.... in our eagerness and desire to fight for the rights of the abused and tortured animals, how far should we take it? Is violence inevitable? Is it a road that peaceful animal lovers should never consider?...

- Europe Bans Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Finally, some good news? According to a this, and this, March 11, 2009 will mark a new beginning for animals on mother earth. The European Union will ban Cosmetic Testing on Animals. While such bans have taken place before, to limited success, the significant...

- You Don't Need Fur
Imagine yourself being kept in a tiny cage with many others, with barely enough room for everyone to lie down or sit properly. Then, one day, one by one, the others kept in the cage with you are being led away, one by one. You can hear them cry, scream,...

- Cosmetics/product Testing
For the ladies out there, it helps to know that many of the products both men and women use, such as perfumes and cosmetics, are actually the cause of much animal suffering. Read this short article on product testing. At the bottom of the page contains...

