AKC Announces the 2010 ACE Award Nominees

AKC Announces the 2010 ACE Award Nominees

by Carrie Boyko
© photo courtesy of Heart Dog Studios
Ricochet Nominated for AKC's ACE Award
The American Kennel Club has published their nomination list for Awards for Canine Excellence at this link. The name and an image of each dog are included, as well as their nomination category.
©   Julie G. Photography Denver and courtesy K9 Cares
Caitee is a Second-Time Nominee
 for this Top Award

These awards, in several service categories, will be given at a special ceremony in California in late August. All Things Dog Blog is proud of all of these dogs, but none more than two of our featured friends: Caitee (Law Enforcement Therapy with her owner, Carolyn) and Ricochet (Exemplary Companion with her owner, Judy). You can read their stories at the links. So many deserving dogs. Too bad you can't all win. Good luck!

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