ASK THE TRAINER Column to Debut here Soon

ASK THE TRAINER Column to Debut here Soon

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ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog

(c) photo copyright TCDOA

We finally did it; we got ourselves a trainer! I'm so excited for us all. I get letters from readers about twice a week, asking questions about training. While I've had a degree of experiences, I'm not a qualified trainer, so I take on only those questions where I feel I can honestly be helpful.

Now things will be different. I'll be publishing your questions with the answers of a certified dog obedience instructor. I am thrilled to introduce her to you today. Her name is Judith Joseph; she and her 6 dogs live and work in Kissimmee, where she owns Total Control Dog Owner Assistance (TCDOA).

So, you may ask, "What is so special about Judy? There are dozens, if not hundreds of dog trainers out there."

I love her philosophy: TCDOA  training takes your lifestyle seriously and develops a training strategy especially for you and your dog. No cookie cutter training that you cannot implement in your own home. 

Of course, in her column, Judy's knowledge of your lifestyle and environment will be limited. The more you can describe this in your letter, the better able she will be to help you. Here's my tips for success:

Okay...get going...dig up those buried questions and fire them off to us. All Things Dog Blog's ASK THE TRAINER is waiting to hear from you.

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