Adopt a Dog Park Program Starting Small

Adopt a Dog Park Program Starting Small

by Carrie Boyko

© photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2010
Will You Adopt Your Dog Park?
I'm just one person. How much can one person do alone? Last year, just before spring I hatched an idea--encouraging people to help care for their dog parks, so we don't lose them.

All over the country, free dog parks are in jeopardy, with tax dollars waning. The funds to maintain parks are simply not prioritized as highly as roads, schools and healthcare. That's to be expected.

I started a website, Adopt a Dog Park, to aid in this effort. After announcing NATIONAL CLEAN DOG PARK AWARENESS WEEK, to be honored the first week of spring each year, I put up a few signs at local dog parks, encouraging dog owners to do their part.

This year I was out there doing it again. Yet it seems the dog park crews remove my signs when they come to collect trash. I wonder if they read the signs? If they knew that I was encouraging people to help them with their job, wouldn't you think they would want to leave my 1 little sign there? Go figure!

While I am off to a slow start, this year's campaign brought in a new sponsor: Lupine Collars and Leads. You know them. They make nice leashes, collars and harnesses right here in America ( yes, jobs for Americans!), and they replace them when damaged, even if your dog chews them. That's an unheard of guarantee in this industry. 

I hope you will help me in thanking Lupine Leads for supporting NATIONAL CLEAN DOG PARK AWARENESS WEEK and Adopt a Dog Park. No! You don't have to call them or write them. You can simply support their products. You'll find them in all major pet supply stores. My dog's Invisible Fence collars are also made by Lupine. Yours may be too.

Dog owners need to step up to assure that our parks are kept clean and safe for all of us. It's really not such a huge task if we all help. Simply walk your park, while your dog plays. Pick up broken toys, trash and doggie landmines left by others. Remove dangerously sharp sticks and other hazards. That's all there is to it. You'll be able to walk out of the park knowing you did your part to care for your dog's playground. Pat yourself on the back.

Would you like to officially adopt your dog park?  Don't worry; it's FREE! I'll put your name, or your dog's name on my website, if you do. Just write to me at [email protected] and tell me the  park name, town, state and your name or your dog's name. You can be proud to call yourself the park caretaker. Hope to hear from you soon.

One last opportunity. If you are one of the few Americans who are not in financial distress, and you would like to support the funding of a foundation for Adopt a Dog Park, this is your place. I am going to begin taking donations for the beginning of this effort. I know it will be a long term project.

First, we will need to collect enough to create a 5013c--a non profit organization. Then, as funds grow, I will be able to start a foundation that can help keep struggling dog parks from closing, and assist with funding new ones. I will rest peacefully knowing I have left this behind when my time comes. If you can contribute to this goal, please contact me for an address at [email protected]. I thank you from the bottom of my dogs' cute little toes--the same ones that enjoy running at their local dog park every week.

If you'd like to support Lupine, right here and now, you can click on any pattern you like and search for a matching accessory of your choice and size:

Visit Adopt a Dog Park to learn
Help protect our precious dog parks

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