4 Year Blogiversary Bash and a Giveaway!

4 Year Blogiversary Bash and a Giveaway!

By Julia Williams

Bow wow WOW! It’s been four years since CANIDAE began the Responsible Pet Ownership blog, and what a ride it’s been. Let’s pop a cork and have a PAWTY!

I’ve been Editor of the RPO blog for nearly all of that time, and I’ve watched it grow and evolve to become something better than I ever imagined. Blogging has been around for awhile now, but in many ways is still in its infancy, and there’s so much yet to discover.

I can’t wait to see what the next four years has in store for this blog, as well as for all of the other pet blogs and bloggers I’ve come to know and love. Social media is a unique sign of the times; unless you have a fairly new dictionary, you won’t find the terms “blog” and “blogging” in there. And yet, blogs have become a part of daily life for many of us. Whether we read blogs, write blogs or do some of both, it’s hard to imagine them not being there.

CANIDAE began this blog with a few simple but heartfelt goals – to connect with customers, make new friends, share interesting and fun stories, and impart knowledge to help people be the best “pet parents” they can be.

Four years and nearly 2,000 posts later, I’m happy to say these goals have all been met, and so much more. Responsible pet ownership is at the heart of everything this blog stands for and strives to accomplish. It’s the cornerstone of the CANIDAE brand as well as the philosophy of all who work for the company.

The writers of this blog also understand how important responsible pet ownership is, and we seek to share what we’ve learned as lifelong pet lovers. What we write here is all about two things: the pets and the people who love them. Some days we just want to entertain you, while other times we hope to enlighten. But it’s really all the same – coming together with other pet lovers in this unique social media venue.

I’m proud to be associated with this blog and the quality brand behind it. I look forward to each day’s post, and I hope you do as well. We are always open to suggestions for improvements, so feel free to suggest them at any time.

To celebrate the RPO blog’s four year anniversary, we decided to have a giveaway! Four readers will each win a 15 pound bag of CANIDAE dog food or FELIDAE cat food (your choice).

To enter the giveaway, just leave us a nice comment and some way to reach you – email address, a link back to your blog, etc. Deadline for entering is February 25, 2013 and winners will be contacted shortly thereafter. Good luck!

Dog photo by alexeyklyukin
Cat photo by Craig Howell

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