Our 1,000th Post and a Giveaway!

Our 1,000th Post and a Giveaway!

By Julia Williams

CANIDAE Natural Pet Food Company started this blog in February of 2009. I’ve been a regular contributor for nearly all of that time, and I’m happy to say we’ve just reached a great blogging milestone – our 1,000th post!

In the beginning, the mission for the blog was twofold – to connect with customers as well as to help all pet lovers across the country with issues pertaining to pet care, nutrition, health, training, grooming, exercise, behavioral issues and of course, responsible pet ownership. 1,000 posts later, and this mission remains unchanged.

Over the years, I’ve watched the blog grow both in readership and depth of the knowledge imparted by all of our wonderful contributors. As Editor, I’ve worked with some amazing writers who, like me, dearly love their pets and are delighted to share their expertise and personal stories with others. CANIDAE and all of its blog contributors are passionate about pets – that’s why we do what we do here day after day, post after post.

We strive to offer a mix of articles that educate, entertain, inspire and enlighten. We want the RPO blog to be a place where every pet lover feels welcome no matter what type of four-legged friend resides in your heart and home.

I feel blessed to have formed so many friendships with other pet bloggers and animal lovers these past few years. Pet bloggers are an extraordinary group if ever there was one. The sense of community, the camaraderie, the loving support of people who adore their pets – this is something I didn’t know existed before becoming part of the RPO blog, but it’s enriched my life in ways I can’t begin to explain.

And that leads me to the giveaway I mentioned in the title of this post! As a celebration of reaching 1,000 posts, I want to give one lucky reader a ticket to the BlogPaws 2012 Pet Blogging and Social Media Conference held on June 21-23 in Salt Lake City, Utah!

If you’re a pet blogger, I don’t have to tell you what BlogPaws is or how awesome it is, because I know you already know. For the rest of you, BlogPaws is an organization created specifically for the online pet community. They focus on bringing pet bloggers, pet lovers, shelters, rescues and pet-related brands together for education, networking and creating worldwide change for pets in need.

The BlogPaws 2012 Conference is the place to be if you’re a pet blogger, but it’s so much fun that I think anyone who loves pets would have a great time there – if for no other reason than to meet hundreds of other like-minded souls!

I’m giving away one BlogPaws Full 2012 Conference Pass which includes: Thursday evening reception, Friday and Saturday General Sessions and breakouts, meals, breaks, and sponsor exhibit areas. (Please note: transportation and lodging are NOT included).

To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post stating that you’d like to be entered, and include your email address so I can contact you right away if you’re chosen as the winner. This giveaway is only open to residents of the U.S. and Canada. Giveaway ends Monday, May 28th at midnight Pacific. 

Photo by Stefano Mortellaro

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