#WorkLikeaDog to Win Zuke's Treats

#WorkLikeaDog to Win Zuke's Treats

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog.com
Will Your Dog Work for All This?
Are you counting the bags and wondering if I'm serious? That's ok! We're pretty happy about this haul too, and believe me, I've had to work hard to keep Tanner and Oliver out of the samples we received in order to do our photography. And then there's our new addition, Jacque, who is proving to be quite the little Terrier. 

So, maybe you'd like me to go over the goodies in this prize package, just to confirm your eyesight:
Sorry, the models will be staying behind. But there is more great news. Not only can you enter to win this prize package in this pre-party effort, but this is exactly what you'll be seeing at our #WorkLikeaDog Twitter Party as well. We'll be giving away 10 of these prize packages in total, with the Grand Prize including even more great stuff.

If you missed the RSVP post, you'll want to be sure to get on that list if you'll be attending and want to win a prize pack. And don't forget that we're also drawing a winner from those that help us to Tweet about this terrific adventure. You can learn more here.

One of the best things about this Rafflecopter prize is that if you're unable to attend the
Twitter Party, you still have a chance to win this terrific prize package. PreTweeting will also get you entries, so be sure to use that option here, since it will count for both giveaways--two chances for your name to get drawn as a winner.

Participation Guidelines:

Winners' announcements will begin immediately upon opening of the Twitter Party at 8:30 PM ET on Tuesday, June 11, so don't be late! Stick around to the end to make sure you don't miss your shout out!

As an aside, it is very important that you understand that our Zuke's winners may only be at U.S. addresses. This is simply due to customs issues with shipping food items over the border. We encourage people from all over the world to participate in these activities; however, prizes may only go to U.S. residents.

Enter to win this great package by using the Rafflecopter form below. It's really easy, but sometimes it plays hide-n-seek. If you need to fetch it, just click on the post title above and it will come out to play nicely. Good luck; we hope you'll enjoy #WorkLikeaDog!

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Zuke's is working with the Event Barkers team, Dogtipper.com and All Things Dog Blog, to increase their online presence.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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