#WorkLikeaDog Prize Rundown

#WorkLikeaDog Prize Rundown

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Event Barkers
Prizes Galore for Your Working Dog
Our Event Barkers #WorkLikeaDog Twitter Party, run jointly with Dogtipper.com, is gaining steam quickly. Photo submissions via the Rafflecopter, PreTweeting and the RSVP sign up are all coming along nicely. I'd like to take a minute to profile some of the Zuke's hard working products that will be in each winner's package, to include 8 bags of yummy, nourishing snacks for Fido.

© Paris Permenter
Easy-to-Recognize Supers 

These fun treats are super because they are a powerhouse full of wholefood antioxidants. With no meat ingredients, they're perfect for dogs that have allergies to animal proteins, yet they are very low in gluten as well. Full of vegetables, fruits and berries, Supers provide the extra charge your dog needs for his high energy lifestyle.
Hip Action

You probably guessed that this treat is more like a supplement. It's made for our extremely active, large or older dogs, and includes great nutrients to help maintain hip and joint function. In addition to the glucosamine and chondroitin many of us are familiar with, Zuke's has added eggshell membrane, an up-and-coming new joint super food, to their Hip Action treats.

© Paris Permenter
Power Bones Chewy Treats
Power Bones

I just learned that Power Bones were the first treat created by Zuke's back in 1995. Made with high quality protein, Power Bones include fast-burning carbs for quick energy, perfect for your canine athlete or running partner. Think Power Bar for dogs in chicken, beef or peanut butter flavor.

Mini Naturals

Last, but definitely not least, our winners will enjoy these ideally-sized training treats--Mini Naturals--reviewed here by me just recently in my 3-part series on puppy house training:

Whether you're just getting started with crate training or working on a Clean Run at agility, Mini Naturals have the aroma to motivate any behavior you're working on. The plus is that Mini Naturals only have 3 1/2 calories, so you're not as likely to put pounds on your pup while offering frequent rewards.

Watch for more details on the Grand Prize package which will always have extra oomph at Event Barkers parties. You'll want to assure that your Twitter handle is properly posted to the RSVP list so that we can find you if you've won a prize.

In addition to RSVPing, you can enter to win other pre-party prizes by PreTweeting and jumping on our Rafflecopter entries at the links above. Meanwhile, watch our Facebook page as well as Zuke's for announcements, photos and other fun. We've got a parade of working dogs showing off their stuff:

Event Barkers on Facebook 
Zuke's on Facebook

We'll be sharing more about the prizes as we move toward party day, June 11. Event Barkers will take up the torch during the event to describe and award each prize. Every winner will get 8 bags of treats, plus all the goodies you see in the photo above. We're even tossing in a business tie for your dog to gussie up for his big day at the office. Are you ready to #WorkLikeaDog? Apparently Oliver is. He leaked the prize info early and now has a Help Wanted sign up on his blog. Anybody want a job working for a Papillon?

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Event Barkers is working with Zuke's on a Twitter Party to help them gain online exposure.

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