#Doga Fun With Warrior I and II

#Doga Fun With Warrior I and II

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

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Warrior I and II are great poses that work many muscles, while also challenging your balance. As you get comfortable with the balance, adding your toy-sized dog to your front leg increases the challenge, helping you get more out of your workout, all while you enjoy a nice cuddle.

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If the balance is coming hard for you, don't stress out over it. Try these tips:
By keeping the #doga in your yoga workout, you'll find it less stressful and feel a bit closer to your pup at the same time. That's our goal!


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If you're new to Doga or Yoga, please be sure to do these three things: (1) Get your doctor's permission to start this or any other workout, (2) Check with your vet to make sure your dog is able to participate in simple Doga exercises safely, and (3) visit our introductory post where I've outlined a few tips that will help your experience go more smoothly and enjoyable. Keep in mind that you can always stop if a pose is uncomfortable, returning to a more relaxing pose for you.

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