You are Science. Citizen Science.
What a big eye you have! Oh, you're doing science! |
You are 1,000% right. Your rightness is statistically significant. Citizen Science is awesome.
To keep with the awesomeness of Citizen Science, here are a few more Citizen Science websites and projects.
Citizen Science Aggregators
Citizen Science on Scientific American- "Scientists collaborating across continents. Now, using the power of the Internet, non-specialists are participating, too."
- “In a nutshell... This is the place to find out about, take part in, and contribute to science through recreational activities and research projects.” They have an enormous listing of different projects you can join. Through scistarter, you pick an activity, pick a topic and BLAMMO, it shoots out projects that interest you and that you could help with. (you must sign up on scistarter, but that's easy peasy).
Some of my favorite projects
Students' Cloud Observations Online (S'COOL)
- (I partially, fine, mostly, like it's acronym) NASA scientists are interested in learning how clouds affect our atmosphere, particularly because clouds play a role in affecting Earth's overall temperature and energy balance.
(Source) |
The Baby Laughter Project- Hysterical, espeically when they slow down the babies laughing and they sound exactly like old men. Or maybe walruses? Or maybe someone choking. You tell me. My favorite is "Hysterical Bubbles", although that dog gets kinda close to that baby during his/her bubble enjoyment. "Baby laughing at Wii" is pretty good, too.
The River Otter Ecology Project
- Kind of fabulous. This is their description: "An OTTER SPOTTER is YOU, a citizen scientist who observes river otters in your neighborhood stream, river, bay/county state or national park/ and elsewhere and submits your information to this ecology project... As of September 2012: +150 observations submitted from across the Bay Area, keep them coming in!"
I am Science
- Talking about citizen science reminds me of a project called, I am Science which was on kickstarter and reached its goal. From the website: "I AM SCIENCE brings you the personal stories of the individuals who went off the beaten path toward their careers in science. “I am Science” describes the stories behind the people who ended up in science careers. Whether as science writers, academic scientists, pharmaceutical technicians or all of the above there is one thing I have learned: the straight and narrow path is rarely the case."
APDT 2012I just got to Cincinnati for APDT 2012 and will be talking about that Physical Prompts to Anthropomorphism study tomorrow.
Will try and tweet/Facebook on the conference's content!!
Nighty Night!
ReferencedBekoff, M. Dogs: Looking At the Way We Look At Our Best Friends. Psychology Today. August 21, 2012
© Julie Hecht 2012
2014: Canine Science For All
Wendy74ca's photostream used with permission via Crazy and LittleHi Mia! I couldn’t agree with you more! It has been a long time since we chatted about what we’re up to. 2014 is off to a great start, apart from the fact that it is your summer...
2014: A Great Year For Canine Science
Hi Julie, Hope your festive season was fun and full of laughter. Happy new year to you! I've decided that 2014 is THE year for canine science! It's been a fairly long time since we compared notes on what we're doing at...
I'm A Scientist, (don't!) Get Me Out Of Here!
Julie Julie Julie! How awesome was Heather's guest post about her black dog syndrome research in shelters? There's something extra fun about hearing about the latest research, straight from the researchers own fingers (well, mouth...
Mia & Julie At #sparcs2013: Canine Science For All!
Julie watching SPARCS in NYC (with friend & dog) Hi Mia, It's only right that we mention we've been cheating. We've spent the last two days over at #SPARCS2013, the canine science conference with the free, live streaming broadcast so...
Real Scientists Tweet
Hi Julie, I hope you have an awesome time at Science Online Teen tomorrow! I hope you get asked lots of questions about your presentation, Dogs: Science in Your Living Room. It's so true that dogs make for a sensational gateway to scientific...