Woofing Wordless Wednesday: Defining a Classic
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© A. Boyko Fun at the Dog Park |
Wordless Wednesday is a classic type of post among bloggers of all genres. Here in the pet bloggers' world, you'll generally find animal photos at a Wordless Wednesday post.
For sometime now, I have been terming my occasional Wordless Wednesday posts as Woofing Wordless Wednesday, even if they are not wordless. Most are not. Wordless is just not one of my talents.
With dog photos aplenty, I like to share my shots on Wednesday, and I hope to hear from you whenever the mood strikes. Happy Woofing Wednesday!
Senior Cats And Their Dog Housemates
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Patches Enjoys Chilling Out Wordless Wednesday is generally not wordless around here, but today I'll keep it short. With my whole family in town for my daughter's college graduation, the pets were...
Woofing Wordless Wednesday: Tuckered Out!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © All Things Dog Blog Oliver Catches Up After Company PlaytimeFor once maybe I can almost call this a Wordless Wednesday. After a few days of company, Oliver is exhausted from playing. With Tanner as a tag along, they all...
Dog Doings This Week: Prepping For Conferences
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko News from All Things Dog BlogAugust is here. I feel like the chicken that thought the sky was falling. I'm going to be running around all month, absolutely certain I won't be ready to go when travel day...
Fido's Follow Friday? Let's Call It Fido's Freebie Friday!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB You've probably seen the #ff or #FF on Facebook and Twitter. I've even seen a few on blogposts. Many pet bloggers use #WW or #ww to bid hello to their fellow pet lovers. Have you been scratching your head and wondering...
Woofing Wordless Wednesday
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © courtesy the Gilberts Cahill Is Not Getting Much Snow Play These DaysA friend shared this photo of Labrador Retriever puppy, Cahill, after some snow play. Hopefully the next pic I get will show him swimming. Isn't he...