Weirdest and Bizarre Reptiles in the World
Weirdest and Bizarre Reptiles in the World Which of these reptiles would you pick for a pet? Check this out.Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)
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This weird-looking reptile is called Marine Iguana, an iguana found only on the Galapagos Islands. What makes this reptile unique? Well, aside from its creepy look, it has the ability, unique among lizard, to live and forage in the sea.
Freakiest And Weirdest Primates In The World
Freakiest and Weirdest Primates in the World These unique creatures are often kept as pets and zoo attractions. Which of these bizarre primate will you choose as pet? Pick your choice. Most primates live in tropical or subtropical regions of the...
Weirdest And Unique Creatures In The Avian World
Weirdest And Unique Creatures in The Avian World A list of bizarre but beautiful and unusual species of birds. There are more or less 9,000 known species of birds in the world. On this particular article, you will see a combination of weird-looking...
Weird, Unique And Commercially Important King Crab Species
King Crabs, which are also called Stone Crabs, are crab-like decapods crustaceans that are found mainly in cold seas and oceans. These sea-creatures are large and taste good. Many species of King Crabs are widely caught and sold as food. Here’s a list...
Amazingly Unique And Beautiful Froggy Frog Frogs
Amazingly Unique and Beautiful Froggy Frog Frogs Here's a list of the most colorful, beautiful and bizarre species of frogs from around the world. On my article entitled "Freakiest and Weirdest Froggy Frog Frogs" I featured the most unusual...
Freakiest And Weirdest Crabs In The World
Freakiest And Weirdest Crabs in The World See some of the world's most unique and bizarre crabs. These crabs are truly and amazingly unique in physical appearance. Check it out! Sponge Crab (Dromia personata) Image Source This species is unique because...