Weaning Puppies

It is a matter of hard work when raising a puppy litter. Not only is the mother all drained, but also the owner is totally fatigued. Just like human babies, it is important to understand the right way to wean puppies. This is because you have to start feeding them real food and not just survive on momma's milk. Weaning your puppies from their mother is an important step in puppy development and care. Many people often wonder how to wean puppies, especially, if they are caring for a litter for the first time. Let us go through the following guide and understand the right way to wean puppies from their mother.
When to Start Puppies tend to start nursing immediately after birth. A few tend to nurse after 2 to 3 hours of birth. This first nursing is very important for all puppies as they get the required antibodies from their mothers colostrum. These antibodies help keep their bodies away from many dog illnesses. You will observe that the puppies tend to feel hungry and want to nurse every two hours during their first week of life. Gradually, they tend to nurse every 3 hours by the end of second week and then after every four hours by the third week. The mother will lick the puppies around their genitals and anus after they have nursed. This process helps stimulate urination and bowel movements in puppies.
However, most of the breeders need to give away the puppies for adoption. This is the reason they are interested in learning the correct time to wean pups. It is a process where the puppies are gradually taught to start eating solid food and stop drinking their mother's milk as their primary food. Many breeders argue weaning at 4 weeks is a better idea and some feel weaning at 6 weeks will prove to be a better choice health wise.
If weaned too early tends to have a negative impact on their health. Their digestive system is not yet fully developed to handle solid food. This is why the right time to wean puppies from their mother is considered to be three weeks. This process at 4 weeks or even sooner at 3 weeks requires a lot of planning. This is because they do not get the required amounts of nutrients from their mother's milk. This makes them vulnerable to infections like parvo virus infection. Let us have a look at how to wean puppies the right way.
How to Wean Puppies Once you know the right age, you need to understand the process. You should begin to keep them away from their mother. Keep them away from their mother about 1 hour before it is time for them to feed. This will make them hungry and they will try to eat the semi solid food you place near them. Start with semi-solid food as it will be easier to swallow and then digest. Place very little of the food in a shallow dish and you will find most of them hungrily gobble it up. If a few are still apprehensive or averse to eating, then try to encourage them to eat lovingly. Place a bit of the food near their noses or on the tip of the tongue. Soon, they too will catch up with their brothers and sisters.
After the puppies have eaten, bring them near their mother. She will clean them up and finish the left over food. Your puppies may make a mess around them while eating dog food. Therefore, make sure you place old newspapers on the floor. This is because they will try to suckle the food like they did when drinking milk. They still don't know the concept of eating and will take time to understand the right way of eating solid food.
Gradually, begin to decrease the amount of water in the food. So, by the end of 6 weeks, your puppies will happily be munching upon solid kibbles. Go slow is the 'mantra' here. Do not try to hasten the process, or you will end up with a few puppies with upset tummies. The right way to wean puppies is to gradually decrease the amount of food given to the mother and increase the amount of food given to the puppies. This will make the mother produce less milk and make the puppies eat more solid food than milk. Make sure you ask the breeder about how to wean puppies and help your puppies dig their teeth into solid food.
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