We Double Dog Dare You! Join Us at the #OrganicPet Twitter Party
by Carrie Boyko, CEBJerky Chip Cookies Make Great Doga Rewards
Today's the day we finally get to give away $750 in Castor and Pollux foods, treats and tasty, wholefood supplements. Are you ready to join in the fun tonight? Here are my recommendations:
- Review my advice on selecting which handles to watch at this link so you're ready to go when the action starts. Use the #Discover function, placing the party hashtag in the search box to allow you to watch the party feed. Join in to Tweet with us, and you'll automatically be entered to win great prizes.
- Plan to be ready to sign on by 7:45 PM ET at the very latest. Be sure to say hello to @EventBarkers and @CastorPolluxPet, using the #OrganicPet hashtag, so we know that you've joined us. #browniepoints
- Beforehand, here are my never miss To-Do's: Grab a Starbucks to stay alert in the fast-paced environment, put on my comfiest yoga clothes, place a few snacks and some dog treats on my desk, snuggle the pups in at my feet for that cozy feeling, and make sure my laptop is charged up and ready to power-Tweet.
- Finally, the most important tip I can offer is to REFRESH frequently as the party rolls. The Tweets will be flying at a furious pace, so using the #Discover feature to watch the party feed will help, but it's still going to go by quickly. Skim for the handles you're watching and put on your speed-reading glasses. See you tonight!
Here's to your #OrganicPet,
Event Barkers is producing this Twitter Party on behalf of Castor and Pollux, their client. As my primary advertiser, I am providing my services for this Twitter Party gratis. All opinions shared are completely my own. Prizes will be provided and shipped by the sponsor.
#organicpet Winners, Prizes And Thank You's
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Oliver is still sleeping in as I write this wrap up of our fun evening last night. I certainly can't blame him for being tired; he and Rocco were burning up Twitter, having way too much fun :) As for the rest of the party,...
The Ins And Outs Of #organicpet: Aka Who To Follow For What
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer The Event Barkers Twitter Parties have definitely all got two things in common: they move quickly and we have a bunch of fun! Hopefully by now you have marked your calendar, RSVP'd in the widget, and entered any pre-event...
#organicpet Prizes Go Extreme!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer courtesy 9 Prize Packages Look Like This!Does your dog love chicken? Beef? How about lamb or salmon? The Jerky Chip Cookies have you covered, but what about the other goodies in these prize packages? ...
Organix Jerky Chip Cookies For Dogs
by Carrie Boyko, CEB BufferA Moment to Reflect...Castor and Pollux's ORGANIX brand brings you organic treats like no other. And right now they're rolling out their newest line of delicious cookies for dogs--Jerky Chip Cookies. These delicious...
#asmartcookie Giveaway Names Winning Dogs
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