Three Dogs Forced Into Lives Of Sexual Assault!

(Deborah Whalen-above)

(Donald Roy Siegfriend-above)
Exodus 22:19
"Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death". New International Version
If you think the dogs wouldn't mind or wouldn't know the difference may this be a learning experience for you that such behavior is extremely traumatizing for a dog. They are "forced" out of fear to comply with behavior that injures them and causes great suffering.
Adolescent Behavior In The Intact Male Dog
Beginning around six months of age, the male dog's testosterone level is elevated to several times its adult level. This imbalance can cause a variety of behavioral challenges---especially in dogs that are reproductively intact. (See References 3,...
Can Animals Be Mentally Ill?
By Langley Cornwell We enrolled our new dog in a group training class and the experience has been eye-opening. The class is filled with all kinds of dogs and all kinds of people. Some dogs catch on to the commands immediately, while others take a long...
Life-saving Service Dog Wins Free Canidae!
By Julia Williams Where else can you win a stockpile of premium-quality pet food just by subscribing to a blog? I don’t know, but I love that the sponsor of this blog, CANIDAE Natural Pet Foods, awards one new reader every quarter with their choice...
Positive Reinforcement: The Power Of Praise
By Linda Cole Dogs and cats are social creatures, and they respond to positive and negative interaction with us. Some days it seems like the only thing I say to my pets is no or stay down. It's easy to see things they do wrong and correct them for...
Dog Behavior After Spaying
While the term 'spaying' is used to describe the ovariohysterectomy of a female animal, the term 'neutering' refers to the castration of a male animal. Spaying or neutering is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the...