The Saddest Picture In The World

Actual picture: A caged, helpless animal reaches out to someone in an animal laboratory.
Animals are cut up and infected with diseases, bones are broken on purpose, and all manner of horrible things are done to animals to test medications. Anything bad that can accidentally happen to a human being is inflicted on animals to see if ways of treating these things can be improved. Things like poking eyes out and other cruel actions. These animals are not sedated. They are treated in a very painful and hurtful way because the labs want a "live" experiment to see how things will really work. And in the end, how well do you relate yourself to a monkey, a dog, a cat, a rat? This animal testing is ludicrous. For example testing anti-depressants on animals that have a completely different brain chemistry than we do. On dogs to be specific! There are dogs in veterinary schools called 'anesthesia dogs'. They are dogs that go under anesthesia for example 10 times a week so students can "practice" giving anesthesia. They are then thrown back in a cage to sleep it off until next day.
The science doesn't match up with reality but those grants keep coming in and so the money is used on useless experiments that only harm animals. There is a huge and I mean huge underground market on stealing pets to sell to labs that test on animals. It is deplorable. What I am saying is this use of animals is not ethical. If it is not OK to treat a person like this, what makes it OK to treat an animal like this? God gave us dominion over animals not to abuse them.
Stop animal experimentation now!
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F.a.q. - Frequently Asked Questions
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