The Love Bunny Wishes You a Happy Easter
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Check our Our Easter Goodies |
Did you miss any of our treat posts lately that have focused on fun, Easter-themed treats for your Fido? Here's a few links in case you're just itching to give your Pooch some healthy yummies:- Fruity Yogurt Pupsicles recipe--quick and easy, no bake yummies for their tummies.
- Chicken and Carrot Biscuits (we made bunny-shaped biscuits) recipe
- Greenies seemed like the perfect treat for Earth Day, so we stuffed a basket full and adored their perfect look for this treat-filled holiday. After the photo op, we offered these up as prizes. This prize deal is still available to you at this link. Hop on over and enter to win!
And don't miss our big blow out of free fashion accessories for the ladies: Fido Fashion Fun for Spring.
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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