THE Book for All My Rescue-Loving Readers: Oogy
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
I know. This may seem like the lazy way out of doing a book review. When I found this interview on YouTube, I decided to use it because of the images of the family interacting with the dog. I particularly enjoyed seeing Oogy standing on top of the dining room table, a behavior described as frequent in the book. I got a good laugh out of that, as I probably wasn't sure that was true. I guess it is!
Now for some thoughts on this story. As you might have guessed, it starts at the beginning--the sad stuff. What Oogy went through is a tale in and of itself. Yet Larry Levin, the author, wove Oogy's story into the rest of the family--most particularly their adopted twin sons, Noah and Dan. The lessons shared about adoption as a permanent bond of nurturing transcend the human and animal worlds, making this story a great one for a middle school child, as well as adults. Oogy overcame more obstacles than you can imagine, and always with the grace, ease and effervescent love that was to become the definition of this family. You'll get more than a good read; you'll feel emboldened to go out and adopt another dog that wouldn't ordinarily get a second look at the pound.
Would you like to experience this book? I have a once-used audio version of the book (5 CDs) that I'll give to the first reader that can correctly identify Oogy's breed in a comment. Use the comment link at the bottom of the post. 1-2-3- Go!

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