The "I Missed Blogpaws" Giveaway
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Oliver Did NOT Miss Blogpaws |
© Molly Pays Attention to a Speaker |
This office can only hold so much stuff. Oliver's bed is under a guest's chair and review products are on shelves. Yet I still have an overflow to floor space, which is definitely not plentiful--the floorspace that is. Today's giveaway will help me clear out some extra goodies from the Blogpaws
conference swag that will thrill a blogger or pet lover who did not attend.
Inside the official Blogpaws swag bag--which is uber nice canvas with a zipper-closure and pockets--is the official Blogpaws Conference Tshirt and a 2013 Natural Balance Calendar, filled with great photos
© Norman's New Bike! |
of Norman and Tillman. This prize is perfect for the pet blogger who did not make it to this year's conference, but will be enjoyed by anyone who can use these products.
Oliver, my sidekick and PR front man for this year's event, had a ton of great experiences. I'm pretty sure if he had a calendar, Vegas would be on it for next year. He met Norman the Scooter dog, Molly the Safety Dog, Schmitty the Weather Dog and Charles the Monarch, as well as many of our fellow bloggers' pets and Service Dogs of all kinds. Oliver did not quite know what to do with the ferrets, but he sniffed curiously and was suitably respectful.
© Oliver and Charles (the Labradoodle) |
With stops along the way to visit family, Oliver was one tuckered out little dude that slept very well for the entire trip. I would love to have gotten some pics of us on the highway, but since I was driving, that was not an option.
I enjoyed speaking with one exhibitor about safety testing being done for various types of car travel implements for dogs. Her exhibit included a smashed metal crate that had been through a car accident. It was a bit scary to think of my dog inside it.
When I described my safety gig for the trip, she nodded approvingly. Oliver has a Pet  |
© Oliver Walked the Red Carpet in His New Tux |
Buckle brand crash-tested seat belt that was attached to the luggage tie downs using the adapter provided. I seatbelted his crate down in the middle of the car and attached the PetBuckle seatbelt to his harness, while he was inside the crate. The idea was double protection, and luckily we didn't need it.
To enter the "I Missed Blogpaws" giveaway, simply RT the embedded Tweet below. I'll pull one winner from the list of Tweets on June 21 and announce the winner here on the blog. Good luck!
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