Terra Paws™ Treats Get Two Paws Up in Review and Giveaway
by Carrie Boyko, CEB

© Carrie Boyko I'm Protecting my Terra-Paws |
Our Treat Review Team has been a very busy bunch. Nearby to our Central Florida home another pet business has sprung up--Terra Paws™. Located in Clearwater, they offer freeze-dried pet treats with a ton of nose-grabbing scent. That was the first indication we got that our Treat Review Team was going to report Two Paws Up for this product. Being a Florida girl, I really do enjoy helping the "home team", so I was excited to get a review going with this new kid on the block--Terra Paws™.
Their initial offerings include two types of treats: liver and sweet potato, and chicken and sweet potato. My ears perked when I heard sweet potatoes. I was curious to see if Tanner and Oliver would have the same reaction since they love fresh sweet potatoes. It was hard to imagine a dry, crunchy sweet potato, but no problem for the gang on the Team. I can speak for all the owners by saying that the non-sticky (totally dry) texture means no more messes in your pocket. That's a big benefit when using these are training treats.
© Carrie Boyko Can I Have the Whole Bowl? |
My first stop was their website where I learned some interesting things about the freeze-drying process, as well as the comparison of weights. Because freeze dried products weigh 75% less than their fresh counterparts, there are many advantages. Something I hadn't considered is that the weight reduction means savings in shipping costs and a lessened amount of petroleum products being used to shuttle the product to wholesalers, retailers and end users like us. I can totally get on board with that feature.
Another area where we can save money is in product spoilage. Many all-natural treats that have greater amounts of moisture also have a short shelf life or require refrigeration. For me this boils down to one more thing to keep track of. I do like the idea of not having to worry that we won't use up something I've forgotten about in the back of the refrigerator. I bet you all feel the same way about products you've spent your hard-earned dollar on.
© Carrie Boyko Permission Please? |
Terra Paws™ products have an 18 month shelf life. Yes! You read that right. No more worries about the treats going bad.
I have to admit I wondered if a freeze-dried treat would have the same aroma as a soft treat. Another surprise. I let Tanner and Oliver make that call, and call it they did! They couldn't wait to scarf up the treats in these photos, despite their excellent STAY training. I suppose the lure of the reward helps, but this was a tough one. Their noses were in a heightened state of arousal; something that I really had not anticipated with a dry treat-yay!
Made in the U.S., each Terra Paws™ treat has only 2 all-natural ingredients. No fillers, no preservatives, no food coloring, no wheat, corn, soy, gluten, or sugar.
© courtesy |
The softer side of this company really came through when I learned how Terra Paws™ was inspired. Anthony Santarsiero, the founder and president of the company, wanted a healthier, guilt-free treat for his Papillon/Chihuahua, Hailey. Isn't she adorable? You can imagine that Oliver would have done a double-take if he saw her. What a cutie. If you'd like to see a quick clip of Hailey, click here.
Knowing that Terra Paws™ is just now in the process of launching, I knew their Facebook page and Twitter account would be in slow motion, but I was pleased to find that they have gotten the ball rolling. Maybe we can give them a little nudge? I've seen what you guys can do and I'm hoping for a repeat performance here. Let's all try to stop in and "Like" and follow them to give their numbers a boost. After all, this company is making a U.S. product which means jobs for Americans. We can support that, right!!!
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Samples |
The All Things Dog Blog Treat Review Team loved their yummies for the tummies so very much that we'd like to help them get a good start. And they're on board. Terra Paws™ has offered a generous 12 giveaways of 2 bags each to my readers. Are you ready to rock?
A Note on Entering: Entering my giveaways doesn't necessarily have to be a marathon. You can enter once or if you're extremely motivated you may choose the once daily per method option. Whatever route you take, enjoy it. This is all meant to be fun, so please keep that in mind. It's all about choosing your options! Here they are:
- COMMENTS! We'd love to hear about your pup.
- Any comments or uploads to Facebook, per Facebook rules, may not constitute an entry. To register an entry, you must tell me with a comment that you've left a photo on FB. Thanks for your understanding; I'm just trying to follow FB's rules.
- Post a photo of your pup to my Facebook page with a sign that says "We Love Terra Paws™ and All Things Dog Blog". With 3 comments regarding your photo, you'll get 3 entries.
- It's also great to post photos to Terra Paws Facebook Page and your pics may be featured on our blog if you email them to me at [email protected]m.
- Likewise, follow @AllThingsDog and @TerraPaws on Twitter and leave a comment here telling me you've done this.
- Let Terra Paws hear from you with a Tweet "Thx @AllThingsDog 4 hooking us up 2 the @TerraPaws #Dog #Treat #Giveaway".
- Subscribe to our blog by email, Networked Blogs, Google Friend Connect, or RSS.
- Tweet/Retweet and hit the Google+ button in the upper right corner.
- Entries will close at 5 PM sharp on Thursday, August 4th. I'll report the winners on Friday, August 5th.
This giveaway is valid to North American addresses, with the exception of Quebec, where laws make this giveaway impossible. Entrants must be 18 or older; this offer is void where prohibited. Thanks for your participation!
Giveaways are not for everyone. Some of you may decide it's too much trouble to participate. That's fine. If you're interested in purchasing Terra Paws™ from their website, you can make a secure purchase there, and also get all sorts of answers, from their FAQ page, to quick facts, quality control and testing, more product information, and even their privacy policy and terms of sale--for those of you who really like to dig into the details. It's all there, and not in fine print.
© Carrie Boyko Are They All Gone? |
Thanks for reading and we hope you all have an opportunity to try Terra Paws™ for your pup!
Want to read the intro to our hard working team? Check it out:Meet Your Treat Review Team--The Experts in All Things Treat!
Full disclosure: Samples of Terra Paws™ treats were provided to All Things Dog Blog for review. We were not paid to offer our opinions and the thoughts included here are our own.
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