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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
(c) copyright Carrie Boyko 2010
Tanner Models his Homemade Bandage
Poor Tanner has been struggling to heal a wound under his jaw since before the holidays. He has spent more than his share of time in an E-collar, those anti-scratch, anti-itch lampshade-looking things that require an active pup like Tanner to be a little less active.
Because the e-collar must fit snugly around the neck, this was impeding air flow around the wound, and thereby slowing the healing process. I had to get more creative, if we were to meet with success.
Since Tanner is not one to scratch and itch at every little thing, I figured the location of this wound would work to my advantage. So, with the goal of healing in mind, I set out to come up with a bandage that wouldn't annoy him and wouldn't impede activity or air flow.
Tanner is wearing his neckerchief above, made of cotton fabric, so it breathes well. Notice that it is wide, so as to cover the wound completely, just in case he decides to scratch the area. Also, I tied it just tight enough that it stays above his collar, assuring that it does not slip down off of the area we're trying to keep covered.
(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2010
Tanner's Bandage ties like a Bandanna
Tanner is delighted to be free of the e-collar, and doesn't mind the bandage at all. So far, he isn't even aware of anything different, as he has often worn banannas and is quite used to them.
Best of all, this solution will allow him to play at the dog park and practice agility safely, all the while still keeping his tender spot covered and safe from scratching. Tanner's reward? He got to play F-E-T-C-H (I have to spell it or he goes crazy!) at the dog park. He's sleeping soundly now, probably dreaming of tennis balls. Good boy, Tanner!

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