Small Dogs that Don't Bark

They are lovable, they are faithful and they are good companions - who am I talking about? Man's best friend - dogs of course! Yet, some people hesitate while keeping a pet dog, the reason being their loud and constant barking. Constant barking disturbs not only the owner of the dog, but also the entire neighborhood! But we should understand that barking is a way of communication for dogs. Though we consider all sounds of the dog as dog barking, there are different sounds which mean different things. E.g. dogs howl when they want to give a warning, and when their bark is long, it means they need company. Many of us prefer small dogs as they are easy to maintain and require less dog care. They also look cute when compared to big dogs. It is a misconception that dogs which are small in size bark less, although, there are certain types of dogs which are small, and also bark less.
7 Small Dogs that Don't Bark Basenji: The nickname of this dog says it all - Basenji is called the barkless dog! Basenji is a small dog breed which is always alert. These dogs are considered unique as they do not bark, but are sometimes known to make yodeling sounds. The Basenji dog breed belongs to Africa and they are known for their elegance. They are not tall, but they are long and their tails are always in a tight curl. Unlike other dogs, Basenji dogs hate water! Also, if you want to make your barkless dog happy, bring home another Basenji, as they like company! Although these dogs have been used for hunting purposes, they also make good house pets.
Japanese Chin: The Japanese Chin is a cute and cuddly lap dog, also known as the Japanese Spaniel. These dogs look royal. In fact, it is said that these dogs were gifted to royal families in Japan. Japanese Chin dogs are very quiet. They bark only to alert their owner. These dogs like children, and are also very obedient. So Japanese Chin dogs also figure in the list of small dogs that don't bark. Japanese Chins are smart, friendly and simply love company! Another unique feature of Japanese Chins is that they show cat like behavior. Like cats, they prefer to sit on raised surfaces, and are also known to walk around stealthily just like cats!
French Bulldog: French bulldogs do not bark without a cause. They are small and serious looking dogs, just like other bulldogs. They also have large ears. French dogs are very entertaining, and hence are often referred to as clowns. A French bulldog will entertain you for hours, with its hilarious movements, like rolling and jumping. But contradictorily, they are also known to be stubborn dogs. So dog training might be a slightly uphill task, so take it easy. Also, these dogs tend to gain weight fast, so it is necessary for them to remain active.
Bull Terrier (Miniature): Miniature Bull terriers are different from the conventional bull terriers. They are smaller in size, and also a lot quieter than the bull terrier. Miniature bull terriers are short and thin, with a long face. It is a British dog breed. Bull terrier miniatures have short hair and so, dog grooming can be easily done with these dogs. Bull terriers are known to be courageous dogs who get very attached to their owners. If you have other pets, you need to be very firm with bull terriers, otherwise they can get very aggressive with other pets.
Havanese Dogs: Next on the list of small dogs that do not bark is the Havanese dog. Havanese are toy dogs. They look extremely cute and bark minimally. Even dog haters will fall in love with dogs after looking at Havanese dogs. They also get along well with other pets, including cats. It's quite easy to train a Havanese dog, and this is the reason they are seen widely in circuses. Havanese are very good watch dogs as well.
Schnauzer (Miniature): Schnauzer miniatures are short and sturdy dogs. Schnauzers are one of the best watchdogs. They have a lot of fur all over their body, especially around their face. Another unique feature of Schnauzers is that they are very active and intelligent. They are also perky and can invite trouble as they have a habit of challenging dogs who are a lot bigger than them! They like to please their owners and can also get possessive about them.
Bouvier des Flandres: Bouvier des Flandres is originally a Belgian dog. It is renowned as a watchdog, although it is very gentle in nature. Like Schnauzers, it also has a lot of fur on its body. Bouvier des Flandres have long necks which give them a giant look, though they are actually quite short. These dogs are very strong and are famous for their loyalty.
There are a few other dogs that don't bark, but they are not small in size. These include Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, Clumber Spaniels etc. With so many varieties of small dogs that don't bark, you can choose a dog according to your liking. So, enjoy the company of your non-barking dog!
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