Skin Bumps on Dogs

When a dog suffers from any skin complications, it becomes very frustrating for the owner. So your pet needs proper care to avoid any kind of diseases. Due to unhygienic conditions, your dog may suffer from different kinds of skin allergies, one of them being skin bumps. These bumps are mainly of two kinds, small bumps and large bumps. Small bumps are referred to as
papules while the large ones are referred to as
nodules. In order to treat different types of bumps, proper diagnosis and microscopic examination are required.
Skin bumps on dogs can make your pet restless. They will tend to scratch endlessly due to itchy skin. Excessive scratching can cause the skin to redden and may also give rise to other skin infections like hot spots, rashes, etc. Your pet will also tend to appear irritated and you will observe a sudden change in your dog's behavior.
Causes of Skin Bumps on Dogs Contact with Allergens One of the commonly observed causes of skin bumps on dogs is their contact with allergens. Different kinds of allergens like dust, pollens, etc. are present in the environment which can have an adverse effect on the dog's skin resulting in bumps. Tiny organisms like virus and bacteria are also responsible to some extent for the development of skin bumps. These allergens can severely affect the dog's health.
Insect Bite Another common reason which can give rise to skin bumps is insect bite. The bumps which are developed due to insect bites do not require any kind of treatment, most of the time and they heal within a week or two. But if the insect is venomous, then appropriate treatment is required. At times, bite from such kind of insects can trigger other dog illnesses.
Plugging of Oil Glands Plugging of oil glands is also responsible for bumps in dogs. If the oil glands are plugged, they block the pores on the surface of the skin, thereby giving rise to a cyst-like appearance in that area.
Other Common Reasons Cancer can also be one of the reasons for the development of these kinds of bumps. In such cases, diagnosis and treatment at the right time is a must. Constant licking of a particular area by the dog can also give rise to bump. Other reasons responsible for this problem is excessive or deficient production of hormones. If dog worms, affect your dog, the skin becomes sensitive to different infections, and hence, it may become more susceptible to bumps.
Treatment Options Keeping the dog's skin clean may help in curing bumps. Make sure to bathe your pet in warm water regularly. This will help in keeping the dog's skin clean and will also help in killing bacteria and other allergens which are responsible for these kinds of bumps. You can use shampoos with antibiotic property and those which contain benzoyl peroxide as they are effective in killing harmful bacteria. Cover the bumps with bandage or use collars which prevent the situation from aggravating.
If you notice skin bumps on your pet dog, take him to a veterinarian immediately to check the severity of the condition. Most of the time, these bumps can be treated with the help of medications. But in some cases, if the bumps become chronic, then surgical operation has to be performed in order to remove it. In most cases, the bumps heal within a few days of starting the medication. But, if in case these are cancerous bumps, they might take time to heal completely. Other than that, take care that your dog does not lick the skin bump else, it can aggravate the situation.
These are the commonly observed reasons for skin bumps on dogs. Other than that, canine acne, reaction to a drug or injection, etc. are also responsible for the bumps. If appropriate treatment measures are not taken, the skin bumps on dogs might become severe and even spread to other parts of the body. Keep your dog well-groomed and clean in order to keep it away from skin bumps and other dog allergies. Feeding your dog with healthy dog foods is important, so make sure to consult your vet on the appropriate food you need to feed your pet.
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