Runny Nose in Dogs

A colorless discharge in a dog's nose (runny nose), is a common problem. Most of the time, a dog licks it away with his tongue. So, a dog owner may not notice it. Such discharge, if without symptoms, is not a cause of immediate worry. A pet owner should wait and see if the runny nose stops on its own or he should look for signs of illness of any kind. However, in case, there are signs of discomfort or if the discharge is bloody, grayish purulent or viscous a visit to the vet is necessary.
Causes of Running Nose in Dogs Sinus Infection: Sinus infection is a common health problem in dogs, in which the lining of the sinuses get inflamed. Sinuses are the bony cavities that connect to the nasal cavities. This swelling can be caused due to reasons as simple as sniffing pollen or the reason could be more serious like a virus infection. The result of this infection is runny nose, sneezing, coughing and also fever. Antibiotics are the drugs that are most commonly prescribed by a vet.
Upper Respiratory Infection: This is the most common cause of a dog runny nose. Besides this, the symptoms of such an infection in dogs include coughing and sneezing. In more serious cases of viral infections like Bordetella and canine influenza, a dog may also suffer from fever, loss of appetite and difficulty in breathing. Check if your dog has had all his vaccines. There are vaccines that protect a dog from parainfluenza, bordetella and distemper. Ensure that your dog has all his vaccines updated.
Nasal Tumors: Almost 1% of all dog cancers are that of the nasal cavity. Although, nasal tumors are more common in older dogs, in case, your dog's runny nose is accompanied with nosebleeds, watery eyes, tears, bulging of the eyes, facial deformities, green or yellow nasal discharge and seizures, there is a possibility that your dog (irrespective of its age) is suffering from nasal tumor.
Nasal Mites: Nasal mites cause runny nose, nosebleeds and sneezing in dogs. It also causes a persistent nasal discharge. Nasal mites are transmitted from an infected dog to a healthy canine, through nose to nose contact. An oral dose Ivermectin may treat the problem.
Allergies: One of the reasons for dog runny nose is due to allergies. Pollen allergies and food allergies could cause runny nose in dogs. However, in case of allergies due to food, the symptoms would be related more with the stomach. In case, your dog suffers from runny nose during specific times of the year like the spring or fall, it indicates pollen allergy.
Foreign Object: Many times, foreign objects get lodged in the nasal cavities of dogs. This may cause runny nose in dogs. It is best not to try to remove it on your own, as that might push the object further back in or cause injury to the nose. Take your pet to the vet and get any foreign object that has entered your dog's nose removed only under medical supervision.
Dental Diseases: Some dental diseases like periodontitis, gingivitis and abscessed teeth caused by bacteria, can also spread to the nasal cavities, giving a dog runny nose. A vet will confirm the disease by examining the dog's mouth. Treatment may include teeth cleaning. In some cases, tooth removal may also be required, that the vet will perform under anesthesia.
For most of the causes of dog's runny nose, a vet needs to be consulted. However, some special care at home, while the dog is recovering, is very important to facilitate the process. This is an important aspect of caring for a dog. Ensure that the dog has proper food and enough rest. Put a vaporizer near the dog's sleeping area, as this will soothe a dog while it has a runny nose. Steamy chicken broth or warm liquids are specially helpful in opening the sinus passages.
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